How To Sanitize And Maintain Barber Equipment | Barbering School

How To Sanitize And Maintain Barber Equipment

A barber is cutting hair

How To Sanitize And Maintain Barber Equipment

Keeping a barber shop clean is essential for appearance and safety, and it’s required by law. Dirty tools spread germs and increase infection risks. Good hygiene ensures safety for clients and barbers, resulting in better haircuts and shaves. In this article we’ll give a rundown on how to clean your barbers’ tools correctly.

Cleaning Routines

The best way to make sure that your equipment stays clean is to develop a routine of daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning. You’re much less likely to forget necessary maintenance if you take care of it consistently at the same time each day, week, and month.

Daily Cleaning

Unplug clippers and trimmers. Brush off the hair. Spray disinfectant on all surfaces. Clean combs and brushes with warm, soapy water, rinse and soak in Barbicide. Wipe scissors and shears with alcohol. Apply a bit of oil to keep them sharp. Dispose of used razor blades in a sharps container. Sanitize handles with disinfectant wipes or spray. Change the Barbicide solution in the jar every 24 hours after use.

Weekly Cleaning

Do a weekly deep clean to maintain tools. Soak combs and brushes in Barbicide for at least 10 minutes. Disassemble clippers and trimmers, and clean and oil each part thoroughly. This ensures no debris or bacteria affect tool performance.

Monthly Maintenance

Maintaining your tools in excellent shape involves performing monthly maintenance activities. Check blades and sharpen them if needed for cleaner cuts. Address any issues that tools have and swap out anything that is worn out or broken. Regular maintenance extends tool life and improves safety.

Soaking vs. Spraying

Some tools can’t be put in liquid, so barber disinfectant spray is useful. Spray Barbicide or another approved disinfectant on barber tools, leave for 10 minutes and then wipe clean. Remember, the disinfectant works only if sprayed on and left for 10 minutes, so give it time to work. For quick disinfection between customers, use a spray like Andis Cool Care Plus, Clippercide or Oster Clipper spray.

Safety Tips

Barber tool cleaning and maintenance call for attention to safety. Wear gloves and masks when using disinfectants and cleaning tools to protect your skin. Ensure good ventilation to avoid inhaling fumes. Check expiration dates on disinfectants and cleaning solutions to know you’re using good products.

Develop Your Barber Skills with Health and Style

Cleanliness in a barber shop enhances the client experience, ensures safety and extends tool life. Maintaining cleanliness is legally required. Follow a routine of regular deep cleaning, and tool maintenance, and adhere to safety guidelines on product labels. Consider further education with a specialized barber training program.

The Health and Style Institute offers a comprehensive program prepping you for the State Board exam. The initial 280-hour Core phase includes theory, lectures, demos, mannequin practice, evaluations, guest speakers and field trips. Upon successful completion, you advance to the Advanced phase, which involves working with real clients, attending lectures, completing projects and learning barbershop management. This phase includes guest speakers and field trips. Visit our Barbering Program page to enroll or get more information.

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