November Savings!!

With holidays gathering mode about upon us, what better time to freshen up your look?! Even better?  Save money doing it!  Our November special offers two great opportunities for blissful savings: 25% Off A Signature Spa Facial or 25% off Any Color Service. Good through November 30, 2015.

Facials for Flawless Skin

We often spend our attention – and money – on a fabulous new wardrobe piece or an awesome accessory, but we neglect the one thing that everyone notices, and looks directly at in any interaction:  our face, or more specifically, our skin.


No cosmetic will ever do as much for flawless beautiful skin, as good consistent skin care will. And as one’s skin become healthier, you’ll find you rely less and less on cosmetics.  A step towards that stunning skin is to make it a priority in your schedule and budget to get regular facials. It’s one of the best investments you can make for your skin.

Another step towards great skin is to maintain a healthy, well-balanced diet. Your skin is the largest organ in your body and it is also the last to get any nutrients from the foods you eat.  So make sure the nutrients it does get are healthy ones.

Lastly, we’ve all become accustomed to a higher-stress, faster paced way of life, but we also pay a price for it. It’s important to engage in relaxing activities to reduce the stressor hormones in the body.  When you come to Health and Style Institute for a facial, you get a double benefit: great skin care, and some relaxing “me-time”.

Schedule some time for yourself to relax and take that first step towards naturally beautiful holiday skin!

Freshen Your Holiday Look with New Hair Color

Hair color options are limitless.  One simple solution is to ask the experts at the Health and Style Institute what they suggest, then putting your hair in their hands.  If, however, you prefer a little more control, then the Health and Style Institute would like to give you a few things to watch for that can help you find your gorgeous shade.


Since your hair color will always have to go with your skin tone, it’s important to match your locks with your face.  That said, it is almost never a good idea to try to get the same color in your hair that you have in your skin.  People who try that tend to look washed out.  Instead, use your skin tone to determine what complimentary color will draw eyes to you.  You want a hair color that will make your natural beauty stand out while reducing or eliminating the look of flaws.

Skin is normally classified as warm, or cool.  Not sure what yours is?  No problem.  Start with your eyes.  Extremely dark and extremely light eyes both indicate a cool skin tone.  If you have deep browns, blacks, or baby blues paired with pale or medium skin, very dark brown skin, or olive skin, you’re skin tone is cool.  Green, light brown, and hazel eyes generally indicate a warm skin tone.  You may have pale skin, but you’ll also have peach or gold undertones.  You could also have brown skin with caramel undertones, or be freckled.

Still not sure?  Check the veins on your wrist.  A green tint indicates warm skin, and blue means cool skin.

With cool skin, you likely have little color variation throughout your skin, but where there is color, it looks a little too red.  Rather than lathering on makeup to bring color in, style your hair with intense shades of red, blonde, or brown.  The colors will draw focus to your eyes, and help hide any redness that may pop up.  You can also add some light highlights like wheat or taupe to contrast with the base and bring a little more color out of your skin.

If you have warm skin, the wrong hair color can make your skin look a bit yellow and end up seeming drab and lifeless.  The right hair color for you is a rich, deep base like chestnut or dark golden brown.  The richness makes your complexion look even and adds a sultry appeal.  The deep color will add even more to your look with the addition of red, cinnamon, or copper highlights.

Whether you’ve found your perfect shade or you need more expert help, take advantage of the Health and Style Institute’s incredible talent and fantastic November deals, call today to schedule, before our holiday availability gets booked up!