Skin Care Therapy Specialties | Types of Esthetician | Skin Care Therapy

Skin Care Therapy Specialties

Woman removing mask from face after massage

Skin Care Therapy Specialties

Types of Esthetician

In today’s world, beauty is more than skin deep—it can also lay the foundation for a blooming career. An esthetician is a professional who focuses on skin beautification. Their work involves improving skin health through treatments like facials and exfoliations, and they often help with managing skin issues such as acne or dryness. Good estheticians also offer advice on everyday skincare routines based on the client’s skin type and issues.

Let’s discuss the different types of specialties and jobs within the esthetician field and how to begin an esthetician career with Health and Style Institute’s skin care therapy training program.

How to Become an Esthetician: Esthetician School and Certification

The first step to starting your career as an esthetician is to enroll in an esthetician school. But with many options available, how do you select the right one? There’s more to it than just searching online for “Esthetician school near me”.  Look for a program at an institution with accreditation from an organization like the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & Sciences, Inc. (NACCAS).  A strong program should teach you about different skin types, treatments, and the science of skin health.

After finishing your training program, you must get a state license to work as an esthetician. Without a license, you cannot legally offer esthetic services. Licenses usually need to be renewed every four years, but this can vary from state to state. Once licensed, consider getting extra certifications to stand out, such as The National Esthetician Certification from the National Coalition of Estheticians Association (NCEA).

Once you have finished your training and obtained certifications, you may want to consider specializing in a particular area of the esthetics industry. Let’s take a closer look at these skin care specialties.

How to Become an Esthetician: Specialties

Just like other careers have their own areas of expertise, different types of estheticians also specialize in different aspects of skin care.

  • Medical Esthetician: A medical esthetician helps skin recover from damage and regain its healthy glow. Medical estheticians often work with healthcare professionals and use tools like lasers and chemical peels.
  • Skincare Technician: This role typically attracts those interested in the scientific side of cosmetology. They specialize in managing chronic skin conditions (like acne, rosacea, and aging signs) through different techniques and treatments.
  • Spa Therapist: Responsible for a range of spa procedures, such as different massage types, aromatherapies, facials, and reflexology.
  • Wax Technician: These professionals have one key focus—removing unwanted hair through waxing. Their expertise covers various hair removal techniques suitable for different body areas.
  • Facial Specialist: This job involves offering various facial services, from basic deep cleansing techniques to advanced treatments.
  • Master Esthetician: They are licensed professionals providing expert treatments like massages, advanced medical treatments, intense pulse light therapies, etc. They often collaborate with plastic surgeons and dermatologists.

Beginning Your Esthetics Career with Health and Style Institute

The right esthetician school can set the foundation for a successful esthetics career. At Health and Style Institute, we provide that foundation in our skin care therapy program. We have expert instructors with real-world experience and facilities equipped with the latest technology. We’re committed to preparing you for the ever-evolving skincare industry.

Why choose us? Because at Health and Style Institute, we’re devoted to your growth as an esthetician. Our skin care therapy program is designed to turn your passion into expertise. So why wait? Enroll in our skincare therapy program today and set off on the path to a great esthetics career.

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