Naturally Beautiful Skin

We often spend our attention – and money – on a fabulous new wardrobe piece or an awesome accessory, but we neglect the one thing that everyone notices, and looks directly at in any interaction: our face, or more specifically, our skin.

No cosmetic will ever do as much for flawless beautiful skin, as good consistent skin care will. And as one’s skin becomes healthier, you’ll find you rely less and less on cosmetics.  A step towards that stunning skin is to make it a priority in your schedule and budget to get regular facials. It’s one of the best investments you can make for your skin.

Another step towards great skin is to maintain a healthy, well-balanced diet. Your skin is the largest organ in your body and it is also the last to get any nutrients from the foods you eat.  So make sure the nutrients it does get are healthy ones.

Lastly, we’ve all become accustomed to a higher-stress, faster paced way of life, but we also pay a price for it. It’s important to engage in relaxing activities to reduce the stressor hormones in the body.  When you come to Health and Style Institute for a facial, you get a double benefit: great skin care, and some relaxing “me-time”.

Call us today to schedule some time for yourself to relax and take that first step towards naturally beautiful skin!

More skin care tips