Don’t be “Those Feet” This Spring

It’s finally here…sandal season! Are your toes and heels worthy of being bared? Come on, we’ve all see “those feet”… on someone in the grocery store, in front of you on an escalator: hard, rough heels and polish grown halfway off. Pedicures are a great way to keep your tootsies looking great for warm weather footwear, but they’re also beneficial year-round in promoting health and wellness.

Pedicures And Posture

You might find it hard to believe that a simple pedicure can correct one’s posture, but it’s true. The removal of dead, toughened skin along with the softening and smoothing of the remaining skin can alter the distribution of body weight. Have you ever noticed after a pedicure walking a little easier? The comforting massage chair and warm water don’t hurt the relaxation process either.


Our feet are home to an abundance of nerve endings, also known as sensory receptors, so it should come as no surprise that a good foot massage can promote circulation, which is beneficial to your health for number of reasons. For one, proper blood flow is important in the prevention of blood clots and varicose veins, an unsightly and sometimes dangerous symptom of poor circulation. A nutritional diet and regular exercise can also improve your circulation. Proper blood flow can also help you maintain good skin coloring and condition. Finally, good circulation is key in preventing swelling in the lower limbs.

Proactive & Regular Care Can Keep Your Feet From Screaming in Pain

There’s a lot of truth to pain begetting beauty. However, a lot of painful situations are anything but beautiful, especially when these afflictions are on the feet. Bunions, corns, and blisters can be prevented by wearing comfortable, properly-fitting shoes and removing any dry skin before they fully form. During a pedicure, the pedicurist will soften the skin of the feet with a combination of warm water, salts, and oils, and then remove the dead skin, revealing younger-looking, smoother skin beneath.

Moisturize For Your Health

As you may know, your skin is your body’s largest organ! The main job of the skin is to keep out infection. Skin that is dry is more likely to crack, which can lead to infection more easily. Keeping your feet smooth and moisturized not only makes you look and feel better about yourself, but you are also doing a small part to keeping your body healthy! It’s one of the easiest things you can do to promote health, so be sure to moisturize after each shower as well as getting bi-weekly pedicures with your favorite Health and Style Institute pedicurist at either of our two locations!

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