Esthetician License | Become A Licensed Esthetician

Esthetician License

Become A Licensed Esthetician

Many people think that licensed estheticians solely work in a salon or spa. This isn’t the case! Although you may begin your career path in a salon and spa, there are many different career options for licensed estheticians to branch out. You could work for specific brands and become a brand representative or brand trainer. You could even work for yourself as a beauty blogger. Explore a few different options you can do with an esthetician license.

Brand Trainer

The most simplistic definition of a brand trainer is an educator. As a beauty educator, you have the opportunity to teach your skills and knowledge to aspiring estheticians, makeup artists and salespeople. As a brand trainer, you typically train a company’s salespeople on the most effective ways of selling their products. If teaching all the skills and education you learned while earning your esthetician license sounds appealing, becoming a brand trainer or beauty educator may be a great fit for you.

Brand Representative

While this is very similar to a brand trainer and beauty educator, brand representatives promote their product to different professionals such as makeup artists or salon and spa owners. Once the company or professional has purchased your products, you will get to show the beauty sales team how to sell your products to their customers.

Makeup Artist

Becoming a makeup artist with an esthetician license gives you flexibility with future clients. You will have the education to help them maintain healthy skin and recommend makeup products that are best suited for their skin type. Makeup artists get to express their creativity daily and work in a wide range of settings from department stores to TV and movies to working with celebrities!

Beauty Writer or Blogger

If you love giving beauty advice and writing about it, becoming a beauty blogger or writer may be a great career path. Having the knowledge about different aspects of makeup and skincare can give you the authority to write about beauty. You could start out writing for another blogger and then slowly begin working on your own blog. There are also beauty magazines looking for contributions to their publications. Getting paid to write about something you love is a great way to utilize that creativity.

Salon and Spa Esthetician

This one may seem the most obvious, but with an esthetician license, you can find different jobs in various salon and spas. You will apply the knowledge you learned at Health and Style Institute to perform facials, massages, hair removal and different body treatments. You will also have the opportunity to educate your clients about proper skincare through the use of specific products designed for the client’s skin type or condition.

Other Career Possibilities with an Esthetician’s License

  • Medical Esthetician
  • Salesperson
  • Cosmetics Buyer
  • State Board Licensing Examiner or Inspector
  • Salon and Spa Manager

Earn Your Esthetician License at Health and Style Institute

Which career path would you take? As an esthetician, you have the opportunity for a great career in a salon or spa but there are also many different options for licensed estheticians! Are you ready to earn your license? Health and Style Institute offers a Skin Care Therapy program that prepares students with all of the fundamentals of skin care, facial massage, facials, hair removal, spa body basics, business aspects, product knowledge and effective retailing. Contact Health and Style Institute at 1-844-94-STYLE for more information on our Skin Care Therapy program!

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