Skin Care Therapy Classes

Before Enrolling in Esthetician Classes


Being an esthetician is a rewarding career for people with a passion for skin care and helping others look their best. Obtaining licensure as an esthetician opens the door to a variety of career opportunities in the health and beauty industry, including spas, salons, health clubs, cosmetics stores, medical offices, and more.

Before taking the plunge and signing up for esthetician classes, there are a few questions you should ask — both of yourself and your intended program.

Ask These Questions Before Enrolling in Esthetician Classes

Is Skincare Your Passion?

As an esthetician, you’re going to encounter clients from all walks of life with different skin types, skin conditions, and health situations. While you may enjoy giving your friends facials, will you be comfortable treating a complete stranger? If you can handle whatever situations you’re put into with professionalism while still making your clients feel like a million bucks, this might be the right career path for you.

Are You Ready for the Beauty Career Lifestyle?

Are you a team player who works well under pressure in a fast-paced environment? Most estheticians work weekends and evenings, because the bulk of your clients book their services after the traditional 9-5 working hours. You’re going to spend a lot of time on your feet, and you’ll need to present a friendly and professional disposition at all times.

That means, for professional skincare therapists, there’s no such thing as “having a bad day.” Any negative feelings or moods have to be checked at the door, because you’re there to help your clients look and feel their best. If you’re someone who’s naturally impatient or prone to bad moods, a career in the salon and spa industry might not be a good fit for you.

Get the Answers to These Questions Before Enrolling in Esthetician Classes

Is the School Accredited?

Attending an accredited esthetics school can greatly improve your chances of landing a good job after graduation. Accredited schools meet national standards for instruction, meaning you’ll be exposed to cutting-edge techniques from qualified instructors.

Does the School Offer Career Services?

Once you’ve decided to enroll in esthetician classes and obtain your license, what happens next? Does the school offer programs to help you find a job after graduation? What’s the job placement rate for skin care therapy graduates? It can be challenging for new estheticians to find a job right out of school, which is why career services such as resume building, interviewing techniques, and developing job prospects are so beneficial for graduates.

Being an esthetician takes dedication and a commitment to learning in order to deliver the best skin care services to your clients. It’s a rewarding career, because you’re helping people look and feel their best. If you’re ready to take the next step towards your beauty career, contact an admissions advisor at Health and Style Institute to get more information about our accredited esthetician program.

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